This production consisted of the ballets Giselle, Coppélia, Awakening, Le Spectre de la Rose, Hamlet Connotations, Push Comes to Shove, all playing multiple performances in repertory. On January 6, 1976, a one-time-only surprise performance of the 'Black Swan Pas de Deux' from Swan Lake was offered after the premiere performance of Hamlet Connotations; dancers Yoko Morishita and Fernando Bujones starred.
'Awakening' choreographed by Robert Weiss; 'Push Comes to Shove' choreographed by Twyla Tharp; 'Le Spectre de la Rose' choreographed by Michel Fokine; 'Le Spectre de la Rose' staged by André Eglevsky; 'Le Spectre de la Rose' assistant staged by Annabelle Lyon; 'Hamlet Connotations' choreographed by John Neumeier
'Awakening' choreographed by Robert Weiss; 'Push Comes to Shove' choreographed by Twyla Tharp; 'Le Spectre de la Rose' choreographed by Michel Fokine; 'Le Spectre de la Rose' staged by André Eglevsky; 'Le Spectre de la Rose' assistant staged by Annabelle Lyon; 'Hamlet Connotations' choreographed by John Neumeier