The program featured the dances "Petrouchka," Afternoon of a Faun," Le Spectre de la Rose," and "Parade."
This production had a preview benefit performance on March 6, 1979. As it was a benefit, it is not included in the performance count.
Lighting Supervision: Thomas Skelton; 'Petrouchka' scenic and costume design by Alexandre Benois; 'Afternoon of a Faun' and 'Le Spectre de la Rose' scenic and costume design by Léon Bakst; 'Parade' scenic and costume design by Pablo Picasso
Lighting Supervision: Thomas Skelton; 'Petrouchka' scenic and costume design by Alexandre Benois; 'Afternoon of a Faun' and 'Le Spectre de la Rose' scenic and costume design by Léon Bakst; 'Parade' scenic and costume design by Pablo Picasso