Opening Date
May 07, 1917
Closing Date
Jun 16, 1917


The credits for this production have not yet been completed or verified.
New Amsterdam Theatre
(May 07, 1917 - Closing date unknown)
Manhattan Opera House
(May 28, 1917 - Jun 16, 1917)

A musical in three acts and four scenes

General Allen's Heaquarters, Cordelia's Birthday party, Felix Graham's Plantation, on the banks of the Mississippi, and the encampment of the Federal Army

Produced by F. C. Whitney
Music by Julian Edwards; Book by Stanislaus Stange; Lyrics by Stanislaus Stange; Musical Director: Antonio DeNovellis; Brass Band and Fife and Drum Corps. under the direction of Paul R. Doti
Book staged by Fred Bishop; Choreographed by R.H. Burnside; Entire production under the personal direction of F. C. Whitney
Scenic Design by D. Frank Dodge, William Castle and H. Robert Law; Costume Design by E.L. Freisinger
music by Julian Edwards
(Unless otherwise noted)
Act 1
Sung By
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Federal Officers
My Father Fights for Uncle Sam
Cordelia Allen and Officers
I Could Waltz On Forever With You
Cordelia Allen, Amelia Thropp, Susan Clay, Major George Buckle, Major William Walker and Officers
My Own United States
Colonel John Graham
Just Marry the Man and Be Merry
Mrs. Constance Pemberton and Chorus
When Our Lips in Kisses Met
General William Allen and Mrs. Constance Pemberton
Kate Pemberton
Who Knows?
Colonel John Graham and Kate Pemberton
While You're Thinking
Cordelia Allen and Chorus
The Suwanee River
(music by Stephen Foster; lyrics by Stephen Foster)
Kate Pemberton, Mrs. Constance Pemberton, Robert Pemberton, General William Allen and Colonel John Graham
Act 2
Sung By
Sing, Darkies, Sing!
Plantation Darkies
Ma Honeysuckle Gal (My Honeysuckle Girl)
Uncle Tom and Darkies
Love's Night
Colonel John Graham and Kate Pemberton
Really Upset (I Was Quite Upset)
Jonathan Phoenix
Spring, Sweet Spring
Mrs. Constance Pemberton
(Katie,) My Southern Rose
Colonel John Graham, Mrs. Constance Pemberton and Chorus
(Twas Down in the) Garden of Eden)
Major Geoffry Martin and Cordelia Allen
Years Touch Not the Heart
Mrs. Constance Pemberton
The Spy
Entire Company
Act 3
Sung By
Flag of My Country
Colonel John Graham and Chorus
But They Didn't (Did He, No, He Didn't)
Cordelia Allen and Chorus
The Drums

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